Jul 22, 2009

Preserve, Renew, Invent [Light Bytes]

These installation images were photographed by myself in 2008. The work is by artist Lesley Kraiser. The exhibited work ‘POST ART suitcase is a beautifully crafted portable exhibition archive that packs down to a suitcase. It was shown at MIC Toi Rerehiko [Media and Interdisciplinary Arts Centre]. It formed part of Lesley’s submission for her Masters degree titled “Preserve, Renew, Invent. [Light Bytes]. An exploration into disseminating aphorisms”

Def.: n. 1 a short pithy  maxim. 2 a brief statement of a principle.
[The Concise Oxford Dictionary, ninth edition, 1995]

Def.: n. a general truth or rule of conduct expressed in a sentence.
[The Concise Oxford Dictionary, ninth edition, 1995]

Lesley's website: http://www.lesleykaiser.com
all work is copy-write by Lesley Kaiser

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